Milan Nestarec I am not a big wine 2018

Sale price$92.00
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Moravia // Czech Republic

Chasing the essential, celebrating the mindful. A white blend of mainly Riesling, all picked from Milan's Sahary plot, gently pressed and put in a big barrel for about 2 years and bottled at the right moment. Delicious.

Milan - Every winemaker wants to make a big wine and works hard on it. But, truth be told, most of the wines that have made a mark on me weren't big. They simply had some energy to share with their drinkers. Drunk at the right time, in the right place, and with the right people, which I think is way more important. Most of the really good winemakers that inspire me don't showcase their wine as “big” anyways. And this wine is my answer to that. I'm happy doing “small“ wines as long as it's fun to make them. Based on wines with the highest zing, usually only a little skin contact, usually old vines.