Crossover Irongate 2022

Sale price$22.00
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Process: A blend of 1 & 2 year golden ales brewed with malted barley and raw wheat. Spontaneously fermented and aged in neutral French oak barrels . The beer was moved onto wild White Bullaces in tank. It remained there for 4 months with punch-downs performed during the initial stages of refermentation. We finally blended in further components from differing barrels before bottling.

Conditioning: Packaged with a small amount of priming sugar for natural carbonation in the bottle. We do not add yeast at this point, or at any point in the process. Bottles laid to rest on side and conditioned until release.

Ingredients: Malted barley, raw wheat, aged hops (whole leaf fuggle, saaz & strisselspalt), bullaces, water.

Brew season: 2019/2020 & 2020/2021

Fruit season: 2021