Christian Tschida Birdscape White 2020 Magnum (Gruner Veltliner Blend)

Sale price$180.00
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Burgenland // Austria

Tschida's wines are some of the most lightly-handled and evocative out of all of Central Europe's new generation of natural winemakers. Tschida is always pushing his farming and vineyards to greater and greater clarity and rigor; his harvests, pressing, and fermentation processes even more so, even if this means being intensely "hands-off." 

Birdscape is a blend of Gruner Veltliner and white grapes, all of which are are hand-picked. The Gruner gets a short maceration, gently pressed and then blended with directly-pressed white field blend. Aged in large wooden vats for about a year. Bottled unfined and unfiltered, zero sulfur added. Pure, pretty, and meditative—you'll also drink these birds quick as can be.

Pair with Stinky Cheese, Roast White Meats, Root Veggies, White Sauce, Fried Food